Yea I know. What the fuck am I thinking, right?
But, I just went on a road trip to Napa with my bestie and bf.. meaning we ate a lot of disgustingly delicious and VERY unhealthy food, mostly consisting of junk food and grossness.
Obviously, my body is rebelling against my reckless behavior.
In order to find somewhat of a healthy lifestyle, we all decided (probably in the midst of travel euphoria or exhaustion..) that we should go on the raw food diet.
I mean I love vegetable and fruit. However, I like my veggies cooked. And I really like my noodles. AND I am so used to eating or cooking with processed food.
This is going to be hard, and I will regret it, probably by the end of this post.
Scratch that.. I am pretty doubtful already.
We shall see how I do.
Goal is to finish it in one piece, mentally and physically; and I want to record my progress.
I should have gone grocery shopping to prepare for it, but my lazy ass refused to get out of the house today, other than for the Corner Bakery pickup for breakfast. lol.
Hopefully, with this diet, I will lose weight and be healthy.
We set a couple of rules such as no canned food, no soy sauce or hot sauce, strict 'raw food' instead of low temp food diet.
we shall see what happens.
I'm nervous.
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